Liked a lot!
A 5 for you dude! nice work.. keep doing what u r doing!
Liked a lot!
A 5 for you dude! nice work.. keep doing what u r doing!
Very nice guitar playing.. it sound like punk but in acoustic.. the voice is not very good for me.. but i like it.. a 5 !
A 4/5 for you!
Is is more a 95/100 but i cant vote like that.. is very nice but in my opinion it need more guitar soloing.. im not here to tell you what to do but i see it like that.. oh.. i love the story of the song! xD cya! good luck!
A 5/5 for u!
Voting 5 for you makes me go under u in the rank list! but i cant vote less of 5 for what uve done.. just great! keep like that!
Best blues song around!
Excelent composition! the voice is awsome.. and the quality is from heaven.. ! i tried to make some blues stuff but is home recorded and is kinda electric blues.. a lot of distortion.. so its not very nice at quality but is what i can do.. check my blues stuff sometime! keep doing what r u doin! cya Gl!
Love the instruments..!
Very nice instruments choice.. and is happy.. it inspires me to do a similar thing with my guitar! u shud check my blues stuff.. is home recorded so the quality is kinda bad.. but i love blues! Cya keep doing what u doin!
Love the progression!
Very good progression, sound quality and instrument selection.. keep like that!
Very interesting material.. it could work for a video game.. i imagine a character like mario or something like that in a sunny day.. it is ok.. a 5!
I doubt I'm worthy to compose music for a mario game. :P
but thanks for the review!
Good sound quality, very nice melody.. im not great fan of this kind of music but its ok for me. a 5 for ya.
yea. my bass stabs are HORRIBLE in this song. i dont know what i was thinking. i just made this for the mere fun of making something original.
Good sound!
Very good sound, very good grunge song.. really liked it, i dont hear a good grunge song a long time a go. And thanks for the review! keep doing what ur doing. gl!
that's my job... keepin grunge alive and kickin
Pain is an illusion.
Age 34, Male
Boston, Massachusetts.
Joined on 9/30/07